Environmental Management


NOK Group Environmental Statement

As NOK Group is a part of society, all employees recognize that the company's operations, products, and services have a significant impact on the environment on a global scale. To foster the development of a sustainable society, we establish NOK Group Environmental Statement and strive for environmental conservation management that considers future generations and beyond.
We also work with internal and external stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, local communities, and business partners in the value chain from raw material procurement, production, distribution, use, and disposal to continuously reduce our environmental impact.

  • Based on our existing proprietary technologies, we strive to reduce environmental impact by promoting the improvement of technologies and the development of products that take environmental conservation into consideration.
  • We comply with environmental laws and regulations, local government ordinances, and regional agreements, etc., and promote activities for environmental conservation.
  • We promote energy conservation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to achieve a decarbonized society.
  • We strive to conserve resources and contribute to a circular society by reducing, reusing, and recycling waste.
  • To conserve water resources, we promote efficient water use and appropriate management of water quality.
  • We assess our impact on biodiversity and promote biodiversity conservation activities tailored to local characteristics in cooperation with business partners and external organizations.
  • We strive to prevent environmental pollution and reduce environmentally hazardous substances by thoroughly managing all chemical substances.
  • We disclose information on environmental conservation and social contribution activities and proactively communicate with local and broader society.
  • We promote environmental education for all our employees to raise awareness of the global environment.
  • We strive to continuously improve our environmental management system by setting targets, promoting activities to reduce environmental impact, and regularly assessing progress.

September 17, 2001

Revised: June 28, 2023

Masao Tsuru

Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer


Environmental Management System

In order to promote environmental conservation and management smoothly and steadily, NOK is working on the following company-wide system. The Central Environmental Conservation Committee, chaired by the President and Representative Director, determines the risks and opportunities involved in environmental conservation and management, as well as company-wide business policies.
The ESG Committee also reports to the Board on important issues such as priorities and outcomes of identified risks and opportunities. Substantial environmental conservation activities are promoted mainly by the company-wide Environmental Secretariat and the Energy Conservation Subcommittee under the supervision of the company-wide Environmental Conservation Supervisor, and environmental conservation activities are carried out in accordance with environmental targets and policies at each business site.
In fiscal 2021, we set up a subcommittee to deal with carbon neutrality. We will study road maps to achieve carbon neutrality and specific methods to reduce CO2 emissions, and promote measures to achieve carbon neutrality.

Environmental Management System

NOK has established a system in accordance with ISO 14001, promotes environmental management, and strives to reduce environmental impact by promoting environmental conservation management with a view to the next generation and beyond.

● Registration Agency: Japan Automobile Research Institute, Registration Body
● Certificate Number: JAER 0335

ISO 14001 Certification Status of the NOK Group

Currently, 98.5% of the NOK Group's business sites have acquired ISO 14001 certification.

ISO 14001 Certification Status

NOK CORPORATION’s Certification Scope

  • Registration Agency: Japan Automobile Research Institute, Registration Body
  • Certificate Number: JAER 0335

NOK CORPORATION’s Certification Scope

Please refer to the latest Sustainability Report for details.

Environmental Issues and NOK’s Policies to Address Them

  • Global Warming Countermeasures

    Global Warming Countermeasures

  • Resource Saving and Recycle

    Resource Saving and Recycle

  • Conservation of Water Resources

    Conservation of Water Resources

  • Measures on Substances of Concern

    Measures on Substances of Concern

  • Environmentally Friendly Products

    Environmentally Friendly Products